
Facelift, also known as rhytidectomy, is a surgical procedure to improve or reverse the visible signs of aging. It will specifically treat sagging in the midface area, creases below the lower eyelids, fat that has fallen or is displaced, and loss of muscle tone that creates jowls. A facelift will remove excess fat and tighten facial muscles thereby giving a rested and more youthful appearance. A facelift can also be performed in conjunction with eyelid and laser surgery. This surgery is performed on an outpatient basis under general anesthesia in an accredited surgical facility.

The visible effects of a facelift will appear as swelling and bruising subside and it may take several months for incision lines to mature. Numbness of the face is common following this procedure, but will disappear within a few weeks. Use of a sun-screen will be important to help maintain your rejuvenated appearance by minimizing sun damage. Patients undergoing this procedure can usually return to work in two or three weeks.


Utah Facelift Specialist

Schedule a Free Consultation with Dr. Bindrup to discuss the benefits of a facelift and how it can help you feel more confident about yourself. Dr. Bindrup will answer your questions and discuss your options during your consult and you will be educated in a non-pressured environment. Call today (801-316-1313) to schedule your free consultation. You will see why Dr. Bindrup is THE RIGHT CHOICE for your facelift procedure.